Copyright © Bodacious Beardies.com BeardedCollie.us Beardie.us 2008-
Thanks, Molly for your lovely pedigree of Z
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.   Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to BodaciousBeardies.com and Susann Brody.
Copyright © Bodacious Beardies.com BeardedCollie.us Beardie.us 2008-
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.   Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to BodaciousBeardies.com and Susann Brody.
Sapphire was born on January 30, 2011 Sapphire is owned and loved by Susann Brody, along with Bruce, Sarah, Matthew & Brittany Sapphire's Breeder: Deb Quadland, Tom Dixon & Graeme Burdon Sapphire's OFA hips, EXCELLENT, Thyroid NORMAL Sapphire's Pedigree Sapphire's Parents: SIRE: AM CH. CAN CH. STRATHEARN'S HART AND SOUL (Hart) DAM: AM CH. CAN CH. STRATHEARN'S DREAMCHASER (Tory)
CH Dreamchaser Sapphire Skye CGC, CGCA, HIC, FDC
Bearded Collie - Long-Haired Animal Actor - Hollywood Animal Actor
Champion 8-2016

Dog Show

Animal Actor - Movie Animal - Commercial Animal

Dog Actor - Bearded Collie Actor

Barn Hunt
Sapphire’s Arrival from Canada to the U.S.-LAX
Sapphire Pet Therapy-Canine Comfort since 2016
Motion Picture - Wasserman Campus - Calabasas
Kaiser - Woodland Hills and Pasadena
Pepperdine University - Malibu
Sapphire Pet Therapy at UCLA - Westwood
Sylmar Juvenile Facility on Christmas Day   2017-2022 Back after the pandemic! 2022 Sapphire and Emerald
Sapphire Pet Therapy at Juvenile Jail-Sylmar
A Magic Penny-Tarzana January 2020
Comforting FireFighters at their encampment and staging area Thomas Fire - Santa Barbara & Ventura County -2017
Joining us on April 15th, 2011: Dreamchaser Sapphire Skye, bringing us up to 3 dogs at present. I have enjoyed looking for and making friends with other breeders along the way. Robin (Hood), Jennifer Schyett and I did a lot of research and when this litter was born, we felt confident that we were the luckiest people in the world to be able to get a Dreamchaser/Strathearn dog and the relationship with their breeders: Deb and Geoff Quadland, Tom Dixon and Graeme Burdon. Deb Quadland has been a joy to talk with and we are looking forward to our journey with this new puppy in our lives and a new extended family too. Sapphire's dad is the infamous Hart/Strathearn Hart & Soul owned by Tom and Ann Dixon and her mom is Tory, Strathearn Dream Chaser owned by Deb and Geoff Quadland. We are honored to be owned by this darling girl!!!
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to BodaciousBeardies.com and Susann Brody.
Sapphire was born on January 30, 2011 Sapphire is owned and loved by Susann Brody, along with Bruce, Sarah, Matthew & Brittany Sapphire's Breeder: Deb Quadland, Tom Dixon & Graeme Burdon Sapphire's OFA hips, EXCELLENT, Thyroid NORMAL Sapphire's Pedigree Sapphire's Parents: SIRE: AM CH. CAN CH. STRATHEARN'S HART AND SOUL (Hart) DAM: AM CH. CAN CH. STRATHEARN'S DREAMCHASER (Tory)
CH Dreamchaser Sapphire Skye CGC, CGCA, HIC, FDC
Bearded Collie - Long-Haired Animal Actor - Hollywood Animal Actor
Champion 8-2016

Dog Show

Barn Hunt
Sapphire’s Arrival from Canada to the U.S.-LAX
Sylmar Juvenile Facility on Christmas Day   2017-2022 Back after the pandemic! 2022 Sapphire and Emerald
Sapphire Pet Therapy at Juvenile Jail-Sylmar

Animal Actor - Movie Animal - Commercial Animal

Dog Actor - Bearded Collie Actor

Copyright © Bodacious Beardies.com BeardedCollie.us Beardie.us 2008-
Sapphire Pet Therapy at UCLA - Westwood
Kaiser - Woodland Hills and Pasadena
Pepperdine University - Malibu
Motion Picture - Wasserman Campus - Calabasas
Sapphire Pet Therapy-Canine Comfort since 2016
A Magic Penny-Tarzana January 2020
Comforting FireFighters at their encampment and staging area Thomas Fire - Santa Barbara & Ventura County -2017
Joining us on April 15th, 2011: Dreamchaser Sapphire Skye, bringing us up to 3 dogs at present. I have enjoyed looking for and making friends with other breeders along the way. Robin (Hood), Jennifer Schyett and I did a lot of research and when this litter was born, we felt confident that we were the luckiest people in the world to be able to get a Dreamchaser/Strathearn dog and the relationship with their breeders: Deb and Geoff Quadland, Tom Dixon and Graeme Burdon. Deb Quadland has been a joy to talk with and we are looking forward to our journey with this new puppy in our lives and a new extended family too. Sapphire's dad is the infamous Hart/Strathearn Hart & Soul owned by Tom and Ann Dixon and her mom is Tory, Strathearn Dream Chaser owned by Deb and Geoff Quadland. We are honored to be owned by this darling girl!!!